On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 5:23 PM Dave Dykstra <d...@fnal.gov> wrote:

> CentOS 8.4 release notes says they fixed that issue in that release,
> after having resolved it in CentOS Stream 8.
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.centos.org_Manuals_ReleaseNotes_CentOS8.2105-23Fully-5FFunctional-5FBoot-5FISO&d=DwIBaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=X9IvmR0o7fmjMmy0QZhlH0vt2buTUoZNVMsuzJtMxck&s=FQivkZgxWQhjquM9obVjpYrDY3_zeTPenrAJnE1OG0Y&e=
> I suggest reporting the problem to bugs.rocky.org.
> Dave

I had thought the issue was resolved long ago. I'm amazed it took them
almost 2 years and 4 more releases to actually fix it. Turns out that I've
been using the CentOS Minimal ISO this whole time. I have, however, filed a
bug with Rocky for it. Thanks for the link to the CentOS note, as I've
included that in the bug report.

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