This thread has now degenerated into political diatribe & irrelevant asides, and has ceased to come even close to providing any useful technical response to the original request. Furthermore, the original poster has already posted his workaround solution.

So, can we PLEASE put this thread to rest?!


On 2021-08-18 10:57 a.m., Yasha Karant wrote:
These are NOT my demands -- these are standard ergonomic engineering approaches.  This is why the operation of a road vehicle is the same in all modern vehicles -- save for upon which side of the road one drives ("right" vs "left" hand).  As a counter example, one of my colleagues has been using MS Office XP for a long time.  She was forced to convert to a later MS Office, and the controls have changed -- as she stated "why did they hide the open dialog, and the word count is moved to a completely different ... ".  Thus, I use MATE and sometimes an actual terminal (not a GUI) CLI interface, neither the current Gnome nor KDE (originally, an interface "clone" of Unix CDE).  For CIFS, it appears that there is no equivalent of MATE for "traditional unix/bsd/linux commands".  There are well understood reasons for a significant change in a control interface -- motor vehicles need a different interface than a "beast of burden" drawn vehicle, the invention of saddle and stirrups made major improvements to horse riding (but there a still persons who use the older technology).

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