Am 05.01.23 um 04:31 schrieb Yasha Karant:
SL originally was rebuilt through Fermilab/CERN for HEP and adopted by a number of persons who wanted a stable "hardened enterprise" Linux. Because of the association with HEP and the needed computational resources for the support of HEP, I was curious if anyone on this list was or will be involved with FORM.  Was FORM being used on SL environments?  Is it being used today on whatever environments that currently are deployed by what were SL HEP sites?  Most of the HEP lists that are available outside of the actual communities of the various HEP collaborations do not seem to be discussing this issue.  Sorry for the intrusion.

Hi Yasha,

DESY is still using FORM in the theoretical physics group, we have even bought work group servers with lots of RAM to run it, on SL7 of cause.

Götz Waschk

Götz Waschk                            ° Phone:  +49 33762 77169
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY  ° E-Mail:
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen Germany

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