
On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 04:24:03PM -0500, Troy Dawson wrote:
> Donald Tripp wrote:
> >This argument sounds vary familiar to NFS vs GFS vs Lustre vs GPFS... 
> >All file systems have their pros and cons, and no file system is fool 
> >proof. XFS is a good file system, so is Reiser, and ext3, and HFS 
> >(Apple), but they all have their own faults. 
> >
> >Just my 2 cents...
> >
> Yes and no,
> Faster and slower is one thing, data corruption is another.
> OK, so I decided pull out the "way back" machine and go through old mail.
> From November 2006, from Peter Kelemen at CERN
> ---------
> Starting with RHEL4, the 4KSTACKS option is enabled when the
> kernel is compiled.

BTW one can simply go back to larger stacks. This is then a kernel
outside the TUV's support, as it is a self-compiled one, but it will
make XFS, ndiswrapper and all that work again.

Less for XFS, but more for ndiswrapper Matthias Hensler is providing
8k stack kernels for RHEL5 at ATrpms, the suspend2/tuxonice kernel
series. He also adds XFS, JFS, Reiserfs, FUSE to the mix. It also gets
all the kmdl love any other kernel gets.


But there is not so high consumption of this package, so it isn't
really following up the errata (at 8.1.4 currently). If there were
interest I would try to keep more up to date - although given that
there are now three custom 3rd party kernels from SL/CentOS/ATrpms on
the market I think one should rather concentrate on merging these
efforts into one special kernel package and then keep that package up
to date wrt errata.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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