-- On 2007-10-23 +0100 at 11:08:13 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote --

> On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Troy Dawson wrote:
> >SL 4.x
> >
> > x86_64:
> >firefox-
> >firefox-
> >
> Hi,
> The above update to firefox.i386 on the x86_64 
> architecture has broken the acrobat and java plugins.
> (using acroread 7.0.9 and Sun Java 6u3)
> Clicking on a PDF file causes firefox to exit immediately
> and launching webpages that require a java plugin no longer works.
> If I revert to firefox- everything works as expected.
> The reason we're using the i386 version on an x86_64 arch is
> to get the various plugins working that have no x86_64 equivalent.
> I can get around the PDF issue by not using the plugin and just
> loading the file externally in xpdf/acroread but we need
> the java plugin to work too.
> cheers,
> Ronnie


       I  only  use  xpdf, so I don't have this problem  but  I  just
       noticed  that  I can't print any longer with this  release  of
       firefox, the generated postscript beeing very strange. I first
       thought  that was an UTF8 problem, but I got the same behavior
       with iso-8859-1 encoding.

       So  I re-install the previous release ( and I
       can print afresh.

       Does anybody see the same problem ?

                 Best regards,
                               Robert FRANCHISSEUR

 ____ Apollo_gist :-)_______________________________________________
| Robert FRANCHISSEUR                                               |
| Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique -                  C.N.R.S. |
| Equipe "R.A.M.S.E.S." -       UPMC       -   Tour 45-55 3ème 315C |
| Boite 99 - 4, place Jussieu        F-75252 PARIS CEDEX 05  FRANCE |
| Phone  : +33 (0)1 44 27 73 87          fax : +33 (0)1 44 27 62 72 |
| e-mail : robert at lmd . jussieu . fr   http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr |

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