Looking thru my yum email logs today, I noticed that ten of my
SL 4.4 systems (I have some 40 SL 4.4 systems - servers of one
form or another - all nearly identical installations) had big
updates to the tune of something over 140 packages.

Odd, I thought since I had not received anything of late from the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] list relating to SL4.  I wondered
why my other 30 systems had not updated, so I went to a couple and
did a 'yum update' and they came back with "No Packages marked for

How odd.  What's going on, I wondered.
Then I did a 'cat /etc/redhat-release' on a system that had the 140
updates and on one that did not and noticed that the ones with the
updates are now at SL 4.6 while the other 30 are still SL 4.4.

So, why did 1/4 of my systems suddenly decide to update themselves
to SL 4.6 and the other 3/4 did not - not even with a manual
'yum update' ??

- Larry
P. Larry Nelson (217-244-9855) | Systems/Network Administrator
461 Loomis Lab                 | High Energy Physics Group
1110 W. Green St., Urbana, IL  | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.
MailTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]        | http://www.roadkill.com/lnelson/
 "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson

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