If you write to the linux-usb mailing list they'll probably ask you to recompile the kernel with the USB verbose debugging on. I suspect that is what is needed to figure out this problem. I'd suspect there is some hardware problem that isn't worked around.

If you are plugging it into the front USB socket on a machine you are using a USB_2_ rated cable internally in the machine, right? If there are other cables involved they are also rated for USB2?

On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, Troy Dawson wrote:

Michel Peru wrote:
Hi all,

The only way that I have found to make my USB key working with my PC runn
SL5.2 is to do a "modprobe -r ehci_hcd".

That works fine but unfortunately I can only transfer data at the rate of
USB1.1 device...

My PC is based on a Asus K8N4E mother board with a Nvidia chipset.

Any help to make my USB key working at a USB2.0 data rate would be greatl

Michel Peru

Sorry for the delay, but I thought someone else would have looked into this by now.

A bit more information is needed.  Can you send us the following

 cat /etc/modprobe.conf


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