Roelof van der Kleij wrote:
Hi Michael,

We are an openldap shop. We use an in-house php app to manage accounts etc. Our ldap servers run FreeBSD, but I am in the process of migrating to Centos/SL servers.

I found the openldap server packages included in RHEL5 to be out of date and seriously broken. Especially master-slave replication is impossible to get running reliably. The included Berkeley db version is a bit buggy too (the openldap package indludes it's own bdb version separate from the older one in db4.rpm)
Also, most overlays are not included in the RHEL version.

I am now maintaining my own openldap 2.3.43 rpm's. My impression is that RHEL is only interested in keeping the client side stable and expects you to run RDS for the server side.

So either go FDS or start to maintain your own openldap packages.

I think there's also CentOS Directory Service.



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