On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Miles O'Neal wrote:

Jon Peatfield said...


|Re-configuring your RAID controllers to export as <2TB slices isn't fun,
|but it should be possible without a re-install (if a bit fiddly).

Thanks for all of this.

I'll look again, but I didn't notice anything obvious in the Adaptec
screens at boot that would do this.  Any key phrases to look for?

With luck it is somewhere in the 'container' documentation/descriptions.

I don't have a lot of experience with recent Adaptec raid controllers, on one box with ~3TB of disk on an adaptec 216010SA it had to be configured as 2 RAID-5 sets each over parts of the same disks which sounds horrid I know...

ie in aaccli (yes this is old!) we see:

CLI > open aac0
Executing: open "aac0"

AAC0> disk list
Executing: disk list

C:ID:L  Device Type     Blocks    Bytes/Block Usage            Shared Rate
------  --------------  --------- ----------- ---------------- ------ ----
0:00:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:01:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:02:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:03:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:04:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:05:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:06:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
0:07:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:00:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:01:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:02:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:03:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:04:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:05:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264
1:07:0   Disk            488397168 512         Initialized      NO     264

AAC0> disk show part
Executing: disk show partition

Scsi   Partition     Container  MultiLevel
C:ID:L Offset:Size   Num Type   Num Type   R/W
------ ------------- --- ------ --- ------ ---
0:00:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:00:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:01:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:01:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:03:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:03:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:04:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:04:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:05:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:05:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:06:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:06:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:07:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
0:07:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:00:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:00:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:01:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:01:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:02:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:02:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:03:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:03:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:04:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:04:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:05:0 64.0KB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:05:0  116GB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:07:0 64.0KB: 116GB  1  RAID-5  0  None   RW
1:07:0  116GB: 116GB  0  RAID-5  0  None   RW

AAC0> contain list
Executing: container list
Num          Total  Oth Stripe          Scsi   Partition
Label Type   Size   Ctr Size   Usage   C:ID:L Offset:Size
----- ------ ------ --- ------ ------- ------ -------------
 0    RAID-5 1.47TB       64KB Open    0:00:0 64.0KB: 116GB
 /dev/sda             SubData          0:01:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       0:04:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       0:03:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:07:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       0:05:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       0:06:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       0:07:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:00:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:01:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:02:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:03:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:04:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       1:05:0 64.0KB: 116GB

 1    RAID-5 1.47TB       64KB Open    0:00:0  116GB: 116GB
 /dev/sdb             SubData2         0:01:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       0:04:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       0:03:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:07:0 64.0KB: 116GB
                                       0:05:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       0:06:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       0:07:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:00:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:01:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:02:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:03:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:04:0  116GB: 116GB
                                       1:05:0  116GB: 116GB

AAC0> contain show fail
Executing: container show failover

Container Scsi C:ID:L
--------- ----------------------------------
 GLOBAL   0:02:0
  0       --- No Devices Assigned ---
  1       --- No Devices Assigned ---

so it seems to be treating regions of each disk as a 'partition' and making up 2 raid-5 sets. At some point when a drive got failed/replaced it seems to have added the bits from a hot-spare in the other order.

The interface on some other devices (e.g. Infortrend and PERC/6) is a little nicer in that you make a single large RAID set and then export some portions of it to the host (or possibly to different hosts for devices with multiple interfaces).

 -- Jon

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