We released SL 5.3 yesterday, and now ftp.scientificlinux.org is running a little slow. So it is possible that some people are going to get time-out's when they do yum updates. I apologize, but at the moment, there isn't alot I can do but wait for the wave to pass over.

If you are wondering about the load on the machine (this is a dual opteron machine, just one core per processor)

Load: 1550 (fluxuating between 1500 and 1600)
http connections: 258
ftp connections: 3166
rsync connections: 15

The one thing that has me concerned is the rsync connections. People really should change their scripts to move to rsync.scientificlinux.org instead of ftp.scientificlinux.org.
rsync.scientificlinux.org has an IP address of
It only has 14 current rsync connections, and from the network graphs, it is getting alot more throughput simply because it isn't bogged down.

Load: 2
rsync connections: 14

Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI LMSS Group

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