I installed the lastest kernel:


and XFS module:


on a SL5.3 system.  After rebooting, the kernel didn't know anything about
XFS, when my previous one still did.  I saw Troy's note, so I uninstalled both
the kernel and XFS module.  I enabled the `sl-testing' repo and updated yum.
 I then proceeded to install both of the above packages again.  I rebooted and
the new kernel still didn't know anything about XFS.  Shouldn't the XFS module
been automatically included in the new `initrd' file?  Did I do something out
of order or wrong?  I want to make sure this doesn't happen again.

     I manually ran the `mkinitrd' command and now the system boots fine with
the new kernel.


  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)
  M.S. 912                              Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  NASA Langley Research Center            FAX:(757) 865-8177
  Hampton, Virginia  23681-0001
  Email: b.l.ba...@larc.nasa.gov        http://www.vigyan.com/~blbates/

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