Troy, et al.,

After playing around with this at home over the weekend (sparing
you all the number of frustrating iterations I went thru... :-),
turns out all I needed was the two that Troy originally suggested,
gstreamer-plugins-mp3 and xmms-mp3.

However, with those 2, I still was never able to get either Helix
or Noatun to work.  I finally found an app called (I think) Music
Player in the Sound Menu, and that worked.  But when right-clicking
on an MP3 file in order to "open with...", I could not find "Music
Player" as an app.

So, while Music Player was open and playing an MP3 file, I did a
'ps auxw' to see just what the hell it was really called.  Turns out
to be something called rhythmbox.

Then I was able to right-click on an MP3 file, and "Open with..."
and browse to /usr/bin/ and select rhythmbox and make that the default
app when clicking on an MP3.  Did the same thing with Firefox, so
when the user hits a web site that has MP3 files, Firefox opens
rhythmbox by default.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
- Larry

P.S. trying to install xmms resulted in some transaction checking error
     that I can't recall now.  Oh, and the original problem manifested
     itself in both KDE and Gnome.

P. Larry Nelson wrote on 6/5/2009 3:59 PM:
Hi Troy,

Thanks, but no joy.
Installed the 2 you mentioned, restarted firefox and same sequence
of events occurs - Helix fires up but another box pops up right away
saying I need RealPlayer.  This doesn't need a reboot does it?

Then I tried saving the MP3 file and double-clicked on it.
This time an app called Noatun pops up, but none of its buttons
do a damn thing.

- Larry

Troy Dawson wrote on 6/5/2009 3:46 PM:
P. Larry Nelson wrote:

I've always done linux admin on just servers, so I've never needed
to know about such things as playing MP3 files on linux.

Well, now I've got a user with a fully patched SL4.6 laptop and
is trying to get an MP3 file to play.

Go to a web page with an MP3 sample and click on it.
A dialog box pops up asking whether to save or use the default
application, which is something called Helix.  Choose Helix.
Helix app box pops up but then another box opens and says one
needs to get RealPlayer.  Fine, except I can only find RealPlayer-11
which doesn't install on SL4.6 due to dependencies.

So, my question is (at its simplest) how does one play MP3 files
on an SL4.6 box?  Is there something other than Helix that doesn't
need RealPlayer?  Or, if RealPlayer is indeed needed, where can
I find a version of RealPlayer that works on SL4.6?
Googling, so far, hasn't helped - but then it hasn't been an
exhaustive search.

- Larry

yum install gstreamer-plugins-mp3 xmms-mp3


P. Larry Nelson (217-244-9855) | Systems/Network Administrator
461 Loomis Lab                 | High Energy Physics Group
1110 W. Green St., Urbana, IL  | Physics Dept., Univ. of Ill.        |
 "Information without accountability is just noise."  - P.L. Nelson

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