Are you sure cups has started properly in the first place?

Every now and then you might hit this bug: which is what the unable to 
bind messages may point towards.

David Kinzel | | 403-296-4526

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Troy Dawson
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 12:27 PM
To: g
Cc: sl-users
Subject: Re: cups: can not access cups - localhost:631 times out

In reading through the various emails, one thing I don't see is you
trying to run


That is what I always use to setup my printers.  After setting it up
there, they just show up in the printers list for firefox and other places.


g wrote:
> greetings
> after reading 'cups printing setup mini-howto', 2005, by till kamppeter,
> i am still having problems getting cups to work.
> [system info, test, errors]
> uname -r = 2.6.18-128.7.1.el5
> last updated;
> yum.log:Jun 04 04:06:08 Updated: cups-libs - 1:1.3.7-8.el5_3.6.i386
> yum.log:Jun 04 04:06:39 Updated: cups - 1:1.3.7-8.el5_3.6.i386
> yum.log:Jun 04 04:06:40 Updated: cups-lpd - 1:1.3.7-8.el5_3.6.i386
> yum.log:Jun 04 04:06:41 Updated: cups-devel - 1:1.3.7-8.el5_3.6.i386
> services - cupsd is running
> ---
> from firefox; host://localhost:631 times out
> from konqueror; host://localhost:631 times out
> ---
> from v-term, print fails with;
>   A print error occurred. Error message receiver from system:
>   /usr/bin/lpr -P 'ml4500''-#1''/tmp/kde-geo/kdeprint_oNsom8bE':
>   execution failed with message:
>   /usr/bin/lpr: Connection refused
> ---
> from kwrite, print fails with;
>   A print error occurred. Error message receiver from system:
>   /usr/bin/lpr -P 'ml4500''-#1''/tmp/kde-geo/kdeprint_3KAMxRfY':
>   execution failed with message:
>   /usr/bin/lpr: Connection refused
> ---
> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf;
>   LogLevel debug
> ---
> from /var/log/cups/error, errors are;
> E [17/Sep/2009:12:42:43 +0000] Unable to bind socket for address \
> - Cannot assign requested address.
> X [17/Sep/2009:12:42:43 +0000] No Listen or Port lines were found to \
>  allow access via localhost!
> E [17/Sep/2009:13:08:04 +0000] File or directory for "ServerCertificate \
>  /etc/cups/ssl/server.crt" on line 145 does not exist!
> E [17/Sep/2009:13:08:04 +0000] File or directory for "ServerKey \
>  /etc/cups/ssl/server.key" on line 156 does not exist!
> ---
> running:
>  $ lpinfo -v
> locks system, have to reset system to get back
>  $ cat /proc/sys/dev/parport/parport*/autoprobe*
>  MODEL:ML-4500;
>  $ ll /dev/lp*
>  crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Sep 18 05:16 /dev/lp0
> any and all suggestions welcome.
> tia.

Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI LMSS Group

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