-- Le (On) 2009-11-09 -0800 à (at) 11:22:16 Chris Tooley écrivit (wrote): --

> Urs Beyerle wrote:
> >Hi Al,
> >
> >Al Neumann wrote:
> >>[...]
> >>Just not really sure what SL has been doing...  i.e: Where are those real
> >>
> >>scientific apps!!?
> >>Somewhat dismayed at the use of "scientific" in current SL.
> >>Al
> >
> >I know that's confusing. And it's the most frequently ask question about
> >SL -> https://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/faq/general1
> >
> >Q. Where are all the 'science' programs?
> >Q. Is Scientific Linux better for scientific applications?
> >
> >A. This linux distribution is called Scientific Linux because it is made
> >by scientific labs, for scientific labs and universities. It is not
> >named Scientific Linux because it has the largest collection of
> >scientific programs. It was named back when it was small, and only the
> >scientific labs were using it.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >    Urs
> Hello Al,
> I would suggest enabling the dag repos to get some of the applications 
> other distros have, including stellarium.
> This can be accomplished by editing /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo, and changing
> enabled=0
> to
> enabled=1


       I'd rather suggest to use :

       yum --enablerepo=dag install stellarium

       as  long  ago  I enabled dag.repo and I had a lot  of  trouble
       because  yum and yum-conf were updated with dag'ones which are
       completely different than SL ones.

> <snip>

                 Best regards,
                               Robert FRANCHISSEUR

 ____ Apollo_gist :-)_______________________________________________
| Robert FRANCHISSEUR                                               |
| Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique -                  C.N.R.S. |
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