On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:13:50 -0600
Troy Dawson wrote:

> Hi,
Hi Troy,

> I thought numpy and python-numpy were a different name for the same
> program. Am I wrong?
No idea :-)

> Why do you want to install both packages?

some users told me that they need some extra packages installed in our
WNs, and numpy python-numpy where in that list. As I saw both in our
repos I also though there were diff packages. 
> I don't know who wrote scipy's instructions, but they aren't correct
> for Scientific Linux.
> We have both scipy and numpy in Scientific Linux 5.3 and above.
> The instructions for installing scipy
>    yum install scipy
Yep, no problem with scipy, and other packages in their list, only
problems with numpy python-numpy...

going to try without python-numpy, and see if it works for them.

> Troy

Thanks Troy!

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