On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Troy Dawson <daw...@fnal.gov> wrote:
> Akemi Yagi wrote:

>> Perhaps, this CentOS wiki article may help:

>> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Laptops/Wireless#head-926e59659ffd84f4abc68fb3ae98c65ba73358e3

> Very good and to the point instructions.
> For Scientific Linux I'd only change two things.
> Step 1 - do
>  yum install ndiswrapper

Just a note about the ndiswrapper package from the ELRepo repository.
It comes with a kernel-version independent, kABI-tracking kernel
module.  Unlike the dkms version, it requires no rebuilding for each
kernel update.


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