On 18/01/10 17:58, Jim Green wrote:
> Hi all
> I'n trying to get amanda working on x86_64 SL51
> - problem one, an old bug in the amanda rpm causing a segfault
>   on a double-freed pointer, fixed by obtaining
>     amanda-*-2.5.0p2-8.el5.x86_64.rpm
>   and manually installing,
> - problem two, we get backups OK on ext3 filesystems but
>   failures on XFS filesystems, google suggests that if amanda
>   is compiled on a system without xfsdump installed then the
>   amanda will be built without xfs support.   I think that this has
>   happened
>   - question : can I find out if it has XFS support? I can't see a way
> - problem three, OK, I'll rebuild it myself, grab the source rpm,
>   rpm -i it into /usr/src, cd to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
>      rpmbuild -bb amanda.spec
>   result : configure.in:2588: /usr/bin/m4: builtin `mkstemp' requested by
>   frozen file is not supported,
>   google says due to m4 being too old.
>     m4 --versionGNU M4
>     1.4.5
>   this seems to be the newest SL5 m4 available.
> Any ideas?
> What baffles me is that, if the newest m4 in SL is unable to build the
> amanda package, then how come the SL amanda rpms exist!  where they
> compiled on another RH variant in some bizzare "cross distro compilation"
> exercise?!
> Any pointers would be gratefully received
> Cheers
> Jim

We use Amanda here but not the Redhat/SL RPM, Amanda themselves provide
RPMs for RHEL4 & 5:

See if that has the XFS stuff built in.

Tim Edwards

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