On 28/01/10 18:00, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2010, at 16:24 , Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> Perhaps I may be permitted to mention the CentOS product page --
>> http://www.centos.org/product.html
>> As the objective of the CentOS Project is to be 100% binary compatible
>> with TUV's product, the information on that page should have some
>> relevance to SL users.  :-)
> But then, it's not completely accurate either ;-) I don't see it mention the 
> largesmp and PAE kernels, for instance.
> Tim, I think the SL5/32 limit is 4 GB (3 GB usable) with the regular kernel, 
> 16 GB with the PAE one. I guess the PAE kernel doesn't get as much testing in 
> the field as x86_64. Just curious: why would you want to run a 32-bit OS on a 
> machine with that much RAM?
> Regards,
>     Stephan

Unfortunately we have some internally-developed software which relies
strictly on a particular 'certified' OS version, architecture, package
versions etc. It takes a long time to get that re-certified for a newer
platform, especially an architecture change.

In the meantime we're seeing free reporting 32GB of RAM in an SL5.3 i386
Xen virtual machine that's running the normal SMP kernel. This is why I
was a bit confused as I can see no evidence of a HUGEMEM kernel even
existing for RHEL or SL 5.x.

Here's the output:
[r...@localhost ~]# lsb_release -a
LSB Version:
Distributor ID: ScientificSL
Description:    Scientific Linux SL release 4.3 (Beryllium)
Release:        4.3
Codename:       Beryllium
[r...@localhost ~]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         32503       1405      31097          0        230        241
-/+ buffers/cache:        933      31570
Swap:         1992          0       1992
[r...@localhost ~]# uname -a
Linux localhost 2.6.9-89.0.19.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Jan 8 04:31:36 CST 2010
i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

Tim Edwards

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