If you look at past outages (they are very rare but they have happened) you will notice that I am usually quite quick with my emails.

These particular outages also affected our email system, so there was no way for me to send out an email.

The outage that happened on February 9, the email came back several hours after the distribution servers did, so the only thing I could do was post it on the web site and on twitter. (I'm not a big twitter person, so I don't do it often)


Fernando Campos wrote:
That's the second time I have troubles installing SL from the ftp servers, but nothing is perfect, so thank you very much for the worthfull work you carry out...

BTW, could be possible, for the next time, send an e-mail letting people be aware that the server is not working at the moment, so we could directly use the mirrors??? Just an idea!

Thanks again.


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 19:11, Troy Dawson <daw...@fnal.gov <mailto:daw...@fnal.gov>> wrote:

    Hello All,
    There have been some power problems in the computer center where the
    main Scientific Linux distribution servers are at.  We apologize for
    the inconvenience that this has caused.
    The fault has been traced to a bad breaker, one of the main
    breakers. As a result our computing center is running at a reduced
    load until the breaker is replaced.

    As a result, ftp.scientificlinux.org
    <http://ftp.scientificlinux.org> is up and running.
    But rsync.scientificlinux.org <http://rsync.scientificlinux.org>,
    ftp1.scientificlinux.org <http://ftp1.scientificlinux.org>, and
    ftp2.scientificlinux.org <http://ftp2.scientificlinux.org> are *not*

    The current schedule is for the breaker to be repaired tomorrow.
     This will again take all of our machines offline during the repair.
     We currently do not have a more precise time than "tomorrow".  We
    will let you know when we do.

    Again, we apologize and are sorry for any inconvenience this has,
    and will, cause.

    Troy Dawson

Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LSCS/CSI/USS Group

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