On 04/03/10 01:30, David McLean wrote:
> Hi all,
> Typically, I try to figure these type issues out myself but I'm
> currently under a time crunch, hence the email blast! Now to the point:
> Has anyone had any issues with installing Qt4 and getting it working
> properly? It seems as though the basic Qt4 package does not include the
> make utility "qmake". Therefore I tried uninstalling it and downloading
> direct from Trolltech and building it from source which still leaves me
> some issues. I do appear to have qmake but I seem to have some
> environment variable issues. When I try to compile a project, I get the
> following error response:
> [r...@dhcp...]# qmake
> Could not find mkspecs for your QMAKESPEC(linux-g++) after trying:
>         /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.2/mkspecs
> Error processing project file:
> /home/dmclean/Desktop/VIIBRE/StageController/controller_v_0-01/controller_v_0-01.pro
> Looks like I've got something looking in the wrong place but the
> "/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.6.2/mkspecs" is the correct path to the
> "mkspecs" directory. I do not have a lot of experience with
> system/environment variables. Has anyone experienced anything similar to
> this?

yum whatprovides "*/qmake"
>From the output of that you can see it looks like qt4-devel is needed:

yum install qt4-devel

Tim Edwards

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