On 05/03/10 15:36, Mark Stodola wrote:
> Tim Edwards wrote:
>> On 05/03/10 15:16, Mark Stodola wrote:
>>> Tim,
>>> I think you are confusing sysfs with environment variables.  the %E{key}
>>> is used for environment variables.  The serial number is a SYSFS
>>> attribute.  Try changing %E{serial} to %s{serial} and see if it works.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mark
>> That didn't work unfortunately, my rules file now looks like this:
>> KERNEL=="sd*", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", SYMLINK+="disknumber-%s{serial}"
>> Any other ideas?
>> Tim
> It works here, I just made a /etc/udev/rules.d/10-test.rules file with
> your above line.
> Next I ran 'udevcontrol reload_rules'.  I then connected my Kingston USB
> drive and /dev/disknumber-5B7A1000021E appeared.
> Do you have any other custom rules that are mangling this one?
> Cheers,
> Mark

It might just be a peculiarity of the USB stick I'm using to test it
then since it's creating a device '/dev/disknumber-' looking like it
can't find the serial number.

 I'll try with one of the actual USB hard drives they're using when I
can get access to one next week.


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