Hi Chris,

> I'm running Oracle App Server on my SL boxes.
> I started out with RedHat, then decided I didn't really
> get anything out of RetHat support so go with SL.
> Now I'm thinking for a couple hundred bucks a year
> I will go with the minimal support level of
> Oracle Unbreakable Linux.  That way I can turn
> on the regular updates and just let them automatically apply.
> I'd like to know if you guys see any flaws to this
> plan, and if you think I am looking at a 
> complete reinstall or what.
> Thanks for your help over the years with SL.

I'm confused as to what you're asking. If you'd like to pay someone for
supporting your Linux distribution, then maybe SL have a donation system?

I honestly don't understand what criteria you're trying to meet, are you just
more comfortable with paying for something that getting something for free?


> Chris Howard
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