Mark Mahabir wrote:

I switched our main fileserver to new hardware running SL 4.8 yesterday.

Post the switch my users are finding that the text in the boxes on taskbars at the bottom of their desktop screens no longer truncates but spills over onto that of other boxes, making them extremely hard to decipher (see attached screenshot). All our desktops are SL 4.8 too.

Also, I'm only able to select PNGs as desktop wallpaper - JPEG backgrounds just appear as plain white when selected(!)

Has anyone seen this before and knows of a fix?



Hi Mark,
I have not seen this, but I'm also a little confused.
Did you change the main file server and then all of your users are having this problem? Did you also update your users to SL 4.8 and now they are having this problem?
Is this only happening on the fileserver?

Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LSCS/CSI/USS Group

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