Alan Bartlett wrote:

> I don't use nVidia graphics cards and also should mention my
> connection to the ELRepo Project "up front" but have you tried using
> the kernel independent, kABI tracking kmod packages that the ELRepo
> Project provides? [1]

We do use some NVIDIA's but mostly with 96xx legacy series
driver (however we may start using the 195 current series
on our future hardware):

So far we use nvidia packages we maintain ourselves but it would
be interesting for us to change this situation...

Speaking of which I'm little bit confused about nvidia kernel
modules and kABI: checking
and using kABI testing script gives following result on your

kmod-nvidia-190.53-1.el5.elrepo.x86_64.rpm, nvidia.ko:

./ ./lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ABI Checker

ABI Checker version: 1.2

Module:    ./lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko
Kernel:    2.6.18-194.el5
Whitelist: /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-194.el5-x86_64/kabi_whitelist

WARNING: The following symbols are used by your module
WARNING: and are not on the ABI whitelist.

symbol: acpi_walk_namespace
symbol: agp_bridges
symbol: acpi_get_handle
symbol: acpi_os_wait_events_complete
symbol: acpi_evaluate_object
symbol: acpi_bus_get_device
symbol: acpi_install_notify_handler
symbol: acpi_evaluate_integer
symbol: acpi_remove_notify_handler

Are you using a different ABI Checker script ?
.. since the version 1.2 does not seem to be happy
about nvidia kernel modules here ....

Best Regards


_ Jaroslaw_Polok __________________ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_____________________________________ +41_78_792_0795 _

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