With many minor releases, we update the version of openafs for that minor release. This new version then get's pushed out to the rest of the releases. With SL 5.5 we updated openafs to 1.4.12, and we are about to push that version out to the rest of the SL5 releases. It currently is in testing, and it has passed every updating test I could think to throw at it and it updated without any problems.

We plan on pushing this out on Monday - 12 July 2010

To test or update


       yum --enablerepo=sl-testing update kernel-module-openafs\*

or you can download rpm's by hand at


Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI DSS Group

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