On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:48:21 +0100 (BST)
Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:


> I'd never heard of mrepo or cobbler, but
> I think you are working at a different level from the SL docs.

> The SL doc recommends ftp and especially rsync as ways of
> *transferring* updates from the master to the mirror.
> A quick look at the instructions for mrepo or cobbler suggests
> that they are tools for serving mirrored data and that they can
> both use rsync to collect updates from the master.
Exactly. Maybe my question was not clear enough.

My question was: why SL recommends "low level" tools and not "advanced"
ones? Is there any problem with mrepo (which also does a cretearepo) ?
Is a simple rsync/ftp the best way for doing the mirror?

We're using mrepo (with createrepo) and we're moving to cobbler (a
higher level tool for repos/distro/install...) and we can sleect
a new way for mirroring distros. So, if mrpeo (with its createrepo,
blah, blah...) is not recommmended, we're on time to change to pure

Sorry if I did not ask my question propertly in my first mail.


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