
Could you elaborate on this. I'm having trouble following what exactly you are trying to accomplish. If you want to provide a web interface to a mysql database using php, this is certainly possible. You'll need apache, php, php-mysql all installed and functioning. If you've written your php properly and have apache set correctly, the php will be interpreted and executed by apache when the clients visit, with your script outputting html back to the client.

I lose you when you say it will not execute, and then talk about the browser interface. Have you checked apache's error logs? Are you trying to get the php to run on each client? If so, then a web browser is not the way to go, unless you write a java applet to handle this, which will end up sandboxed.


Larry Linder wrote:
Have a nice set of <html> interfaces for humans. Planed to use php scripts to insert data into data base. However there is a catch to this scheme the php is a server side script and will not execute - or at least I couldn't get it to run under a brouser interface.

Have been looking at "wxpython"
Any sugestions other than shoot myself.

Larry Linder

Mr. Mark V. Stodola
Digital Systems Engineer

National Electrostatics Corp.
P.O. Box 620310
Middleton, WI 53562-0310 USA
Phone: (608) 831-7600
Fax: (608) 831-9591

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