
in use on ~20 workernodes without problems.

The -238.* kernels has a new way to handle dentry that lead to a kernel panic when performing a 'stat()' syscall in some very particular cases, but we suspect it may be related to a GPFS bad-crafted dentry in mmfsd daemon.

Y. - CC-IN2P3

Troy Dawson a écrit :
We have had our first kernel security update following the release of SL 5.6. We have tested it on a SL5.0 machine. It installs, runs and openafs works on it. I would feel much better if others ran it to make sure it works for them.

Can others test this kernel out on their machines to make sure it doesn't break something we didn't expect.

I have also put the new kvm into the x86_64 testing area with the kernel.

To test or update


         yum --enablerepo=sl-testing update kernel\*

or you can download rpm's by hand at

http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/5rolling/testing/i386/kernel/ http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/5rolling/testing/x86_64/kernel/


Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson  daw...@fnal.gov  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI DSS Group

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