On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Troy Dawson <daw...@fnal.gov> wrote:

>  ...
> I just want to second what Ibidem wrote.
> We do not modify the kernel that comes from the RedHat for RHEL, in any of
> our releases.  We download the source rpm from their public ftp site, and
> recompile it without changing it.
> We have checked our recompiled kernel binaries for Scientific Linux 6
> against the binaries from RHEL 6.  They are a perfect match and are
> completely compatible, as far as we can tell.
> RedHat's change in packaging their kernel source does not affect Scientific
> Linux at all.
> Troy Dawson
> --

That's encouraging.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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