On 3/10/11 6:42 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
i'm fascinated that you use mirroring RAID as a matter of course,
but consider LVM to be an advanced topic.
I too find this interesting. One of the things I love about SA is if you ask one question of three SAs you'll get nine answers no two of which are alike. :)

I view LVM on the same level as basic system security. If you grok the core workings of security, then LVM's not too difficult for you.

Let me say up front, I don't question Mr Serkez business choices, he knows better than I in that regard.

Regarding LVM in general, in *my* opinion, if the system's running hardware RAID controllers, LVM is a good thing to use to allow the flexibility of moving partitions around and changing sizes dynamically. It's one more thing that makes our lives easier.

Again, *my* opinion.

  <<  MCT>>    Michael C Tiernan   Charter member of lopsa.org/
  MIT - Laboratory for Nuclear Science - http://www.lns.mit.edu
  High Perf Research Computing Facility at The Bates Linear Accelerator
  xmpp:mtier...@mit.edu   skype:mtiernan-mitcms   +1 (617) 324-9173

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