On Sat, 12 Mar 2011, Jon Peatfield wrote:

> I've not checked if it is still the case in EL6 but the default
> installer for EL4/5 strongly encourages people to always use the
> same 'VG' name when setting up LVM.
> IMHO this is a pain because if people follow that pattern then
> if/when a disk is moved to another machine (e.g. temporarily for
> diagnostics) the VG names on the disks clash.
> While there are ways round that problem it (seems to me) best to
> avoid it by allocating unique names for the VGs (we base them on the
> hostname and purpose e.g. system VG in 'fox' might be FoxSys0 - the
> mixed case is on purpose so they can't clash with other dev
> entries...)
> Also the LV names that the installer suggests are just plain stupid.
> I much prefer to name them after the purpose - they don't need to be
> unique so I usually use the name of the mountpoint (or root for /
> and swap for swap).

  based on a stock install (the only change i made was to reduce the
size of the /home logical volume since i want to leave some VG room
for class exercises), the default VG name is still "VolGroup", but the
LV names look more reasonable -- i got /dev/VolGroup/lv_home for the
LV where /home is mounted so that's *some* improvement.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
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