On Sat, 12 Mar 2011, Alec T. Habig wrote:

> I was poking at this yesterday myself with no success, so would love
> to know what the answer is.
> This is especially important since by default, iptables is installed
> and active, and AFAIK the only way for nfs to coexist with iptables
> is use nfs4.  So out of the box, nfs doesn't work unless one
> disables a security tool, aside from the issue that nfs4 is designed
> to have a much higher level of security than the older versions,
> such that we really should all be using it exclusively anyway.

  from my own playing around, i'm fairly confident that you *can* run
solely NFSv4, you just can't *start* it and say you want to deactivate
all of v1, v2 and v3.  i suspect this is an historical holdover from
the old days of v3, where you (correctly) couldn't say that you wanted
to deactivate all three versions, and somewhere there's a startup
script that still contains that (now obsolete) check.

  AFAICT, it doesn't matter which earlier version you leave turned on,
you just have to leave one of them on and all works well.  but it
would be nice to not have to use that hack.



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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