On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 15:13, Larry Linder
<larry.lin...@micro-controls.com> wrote:
> I loaded SL 5.5 64 bit on a Gigabyte 770T-USB3 mother board based system we
> are thingking of using in our shop.   My only real problem is that with other
> Linux and Windoze boxes in the system this system is losing about 15 minutes
> per week.   When I boot it up it says it is synchronizing to system clock.
> Searched internet and really didn't come up much.   Is this a Hardware or SW
> problem?   Really do hear much about system clock errors.

Is ntp running? If time goes too far out from the source clocks, ntp
will stop trying to update which usually means hardware problem.

> Larry Linder

Stephen J Smoogen.
"The core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance."
Randy Nelson, President of Pixar University.
"Let us be kind, one to another, for most of us are fighting a hard
battle." -- Ian MacLaren

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