Hi all,

Just wanted to say G'day to fellow SL users. I installed SL6 last night for the first time ever and was quite impressed. I've been a long time CentOS / Fedora / Redhat user so I'm quite at home.

Within 6 hours I had recompiled Xen for SL6, and checked out and built a new kernel to run as the Xen Dom0 and the first virtual machines back up and running on it.

I'm that impressed that over time I'm going to start migrating all my CentOS / Fedora based virtual machines over to SL6.

Thanks to all for their hard work, it really made my day :)

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: http://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897
Fax: (03) 8338 0299

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