I have looked at https://www.scientificlinux.org/documentation/faq/

and cannot find what I am suggesting in this posting.

As you read below, my "easter egg hunt" seems to have found a solution to a specific problem with RHEL 6 X86-64, including SL 6. I am assuming that my experience is not unique, and that a hunting/search through the archives of this list probably would yield solutions to other issues (such as how to add /dev/floppy to SL 6 that was present in previous major RHEL releases).

Would the Fermilab/CERN maintainers of the SL 6 documentation consider collecting all of these solutions in one place? Assuming that subscribers to this list are professionals (including students from the various research and support groups that may be doing the actual technical work), rather than having the maintainers sift this list, the users of this list could have a special drop box email address for items that need consideration. The cumulative solution list would include references and the evidence for successful tests (e.g., Hunt's note below).

Red Hat does not provide this sort of information as public knowledge because Red Hat uses support (this sort of information) as a revenue generator.

Is this possible?

Yasha Karant

On 06/19/2011 04:35 PM, Alexander Hunt wrote:
On 06/19/2011 11:54 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:
There is a long thread on this topic on:


on page 2 (with a URL of:



on Board index ‹ General ‹ VirtualBox on Linux Hosts with a specific
topic of VirtualBox guest USB inoperative on RHEL 5.5 64-bit host

Note that this problem did not happen on RHEL 5.5 32-bit host based
upon my direct experience (CentOS 5.5 and 5.6, but presumably as SL
and CentOS are faithful to RHEL, the issue would be common to all
three using X86-64 distributions).

The most salient explanation I quote here:

Re: VirtualBox guest USB inoperative on RHEL 5.5 64-bit host

Postby zzz » 7. Oct 2010, 00:03
This comment relates mostly to CENTOS/REDHAT distributions. As
mentioned in many previous posts the problem is usually with the
permissions on usbfs. Centos mounts the usbfs first thing during boot.
Once /proc/bus/ubs is mounted, its permissions cannot (so I have
heard) really be changed. Thus, changing fstab or several other
suggestions do not seem to work with this operating system. It turns
out the the original mount is in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit. All you have to
do is edit this file and add the group and its permissions to the
mount instruction. Here is an example, of the changes where the group
id is devgid=501 which is the group id of vboxusers.

In /etc/rc.d, edit rc.sysinit
Replace the two lines

mount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb


modprobe usbcore >/dev/null 2>&1 && mount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb


modprobe usbcore >/dev/null 2>&1 && mount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb
/proc/bus/usb -o devgid=501,devmode=664

mount -n -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb -o devgid=501,devmode=664

Note that you can get the gid of vboxusers by doing "grep vboxusers
/etc/group". If it is not 501, then replace 501 with the correct gid.
Also, make sure that you are a member of the group: "gpasswd -a
youruserid vboxusers"

End quote.

I will try the above on Monday 20 June 2011 and report if it works.
If so, may I strongly urge the SL6 documentation persons to please
make a note of this, and perhaps considering changing SL6 from RHEL6
in this regard, documenting the change in the release notes?

Yasha Karant

On 06/19/2011 05:32 AM, Alexander Hunt wrote:
On 06/19/2011 06:31 AM, Alexander Hunt wrote:
On 06/19/2011 01:08 AM, Jason Bronner wrote:

                alex, instead of giving Virtual Box root or even sudo
                access might it not be more secure to use the VMWare
                Player only app. since it doesnt seem to have the
                problems associated with hardware recog. and lock
                users into a specific hardware config / shares /
                security template? i've never actually used virtual
                box for anything as i've had generally good luck with
                VMware in the past in addition to the numerous VMWare
                apps for creating blank layouts, cloning, and
                whatnot. I like using them for test-platform
                appliances between compiles to ensure our updates
                actually update and dont break the accounting
                systems. (Player's free, and there's EL binaries

Hi, Thanks for the info, I'm going to try out VMWare Player now and
see how that goes. I used to like VMFusion for the Mac, so I'm
thinking I'll like it. I never have liked running much of anything
under root unless I absolutely have to. There are also a couple of
intersting other comments about USB access being fine with a Solaris
install and it working without root in previous versions of
Virtualbox. It seems to me I didn't have that problem with F13 or F14
Thanks all,

The modification of /etc/rc.d, edit rc.sysinit  (as above) works
perfectly here with no apparent interference with mounting USB drives to
the SL6 installation.
Many Thanks,

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