I do not know how Fedora automatically mounts removable media, but I know that RHEL 5 would automount a MS FAT file system on a floppy drive.

What files need to be configured in RHEL 6 (e.g., SL 6) for automounting of the internal floppy once the floppy device is created? A USB floppy appears to be automounted once media is installed.

The Zip drive on my machine uses a IDE interface and IDE in RHEL 6 no longer is automounted as a hd but is mapped to a sd , but otherwise works fine and automounts. However, the internal floppy uses the floppy interface on the mother board, neither IDE nor SATA.

Finally, for those times when a colleague gives me an Apple format floppy (not a MS format), generally from Mac OS prior to Mac OS X (e.g., not BSD based but based on the old proprietary Apple Mac OS), is there any additional file system for RHEL 6 that still will recognize an Apple format? There was for RHEL 5 and preceding releases.


Yasha Karant

On 06/26/2011 09:46 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
Hi All,

In Fedora Code 15 and SL6, floppy drives are no longer
automatically supported. Rats ...

If I "#modprobe floppy", I get my /dev/fd0 back. I can then
manually mount floppy drive disks. But I do not get the
bazillions of /dev/fd* entries in /dev. Just the one /dev/fd0.
And, my floppy drive does not show up in my Xfce 4.8
file manager, before or after the modprobe.

Do I need to yum something? Did I miss a driver? I
can manually mount disks.

Many thanks,

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