Thank you for the suggestions...

> I'm running kernel version 2.6.32-131.6.1.el6.x86_64 under SL6.0. Apparently, 
> it's the latest version available if the sytem is current with all updates. 
> It's been very stable so far.

I have it running on a couple other machines now too, with no issues.
It would seem to be something peculiar to this Dell GX280 (I know ...
don't laugh :)).

> As for you're situation, you can boot into your good configuration and check 
> to see if your /boot/grub/menu.lst kernel options are the same for both 
> kernels. It may be that something was incorrectly configured during the 
> upgrade.

Options are the same for all kernels.

>You can also try booting the live-cd with various options if you want to do it 
>that way instead. Try adding "noapic nolapic noacpi" (without quotes) and see 
>if it boots.

None of those options changed anything. I also played around with the
rdbreak option to see if I could tell how far it's getting. With
=cmdline, =pre-udev, and =pre-trigger I make it to a command line.
Trying to get any further, with =initqueue, =pre-mount, =mount, or
=pre-pivot, I end up with a reset.

Just for the heck of it, I also tried 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.i686, with
the same (reset) result, as does the debug version of

I tried blacklisting my video driver and CDROM drivers (since that's
the last thing I can see being detected), also to no avail.

                                                        - Bluejay Adametz

Law of the Perversity of Nature: You cannot successfully determine
  beforehand which side of the bread to butter.
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