
I'm try to install a SL 6.0 or 6.1 64bits, on an AMD64 Server, and need add
an RPM or a Image Disk, at the Install time, to can a see an Adaptec Raid
embebed in the System Board.
I can see the 4 SATA Disk, but the idea is work using the Raid from the
Bios, and don't create a new "Software RAID"

I think that use the RPM is more easy that the Disk Image, because the
Server have not a 3,5" Disk Driver... and try to emulate a floppy disk, may
be too much.
I don't now if I need to put the RPM file in a pendrive, or a cdrom, but the
idea is have a chance to install the Driver before install the System and
make the partitions.

The Server is an Supermicro, 16CPM AMD Opteron, 16Gb Ram, 6 NIC all Intel
NPU, and no driver problem, an the support give an ftp like this,


to downaload the Disk Image or RPM, whit the Drivers.

Waiting for your comments,

Best Regards,

Pablo Cavero
System Engineer
+569 8920 9509

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