if you want to install the gnome environment you could try 
yum groupinstall basic-desktop


On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 10:18 -0500, James E. Davies wrote:
> I just installed SL6.1 "Basic Server" - figured I'd yum install the other 
> stuff I wanted later.  I typically connect via ssh to this box, I do not want 
> or need a desktop / window manager but I would like to ssh -X and be able to 
> run programs that generate X output.  So I installed the X server 
> (xorg-x11-server-Xorg.x86_64 and dependencies) - but it looks like I need to 
> start the X server somehow OR install something else OR both.
> Please can someone tell me what I need to do next?  It would be nice to have 
> the X server start on boot.
> Many thanks,
> Jim.
> P.S.  When I did my previous SL install, I included the X server at 
> install-time, and everything worked fine - i.e. not a X client-side issue.

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