
You can install the kernel source with yum. On SL5, the packages are
labeled as:

hendrix> rpm -q -a | grep kernel | grep devel

I imagine it is similar on SL6, so you would do something like:

        yum install kernel-devel-`uname -r`

        Good luck,

> Deal All,
> I apologize to all of you who find this question trivial. I am
> completely new to Linux and to Scientific Linux in particular albeit
> Unix (OpenBSD and Solaris) user of over 20 years.
> I have been entrusted with the installation and configuration of NVidia
> Tesla c1060 on our university test rig running i386_64 Scientific Linux
> 5.5. 
> After a bit of pocking around I managed to kill X server, install gcc as
> directed by NVidia driver installation script. However, due to the lack
> of pre-compiled kernel interfaces on NVidia ftp server I am forced by
> installer to compile a kernel interface. This is where my troubles
> begin. I have no source code for the kernel. I used yum to install 
> kernel-devel.rpm and all other rpms (since I didn't find kernel-src.rpm)
> which contain kernel in the name. Never the less script still complains
> about the lack of the kernel source code. Could you please tell me where
> can I get kernel source and where is supposed to be placed on Linux?
> I would welcome any other tip or howto or pointer to documentation since
> I really want to do science instead of playing with system
> administration.
> Thank you,
> Predrg Punosevac
> P.S. Is there TeXLive rmp for Scientific Linux? I saw teTeX which is
> probably enough for this machine but if TeXLive is available why not.

   Doug Johnson                    email:        
   B390, Duane Physics             (303)-492-4506 Office                     
   Boulder, CO 80309               (303)-492-5119 FAX                        
 You cannot see. You think I cannot see?
 Of all things, to live in darkness must be worst.
 Fear is the only darkness.

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