On Monday, August 29, 2011 18:11:33 Pablo Cavero wrote:
> Hi,
> By Default this directory have an "700" like permissions.
> [root@Selene home]# ll
> total 8
> drwx------. 4 pablo pablo 4096 Aug 18 14:31 pablo
> but, inside of this directory, have an Root file?!?!?
> [root@Selene pablo]# ls -la
> total 28
> drwx------. 4 pablo pablo 4096 Aug 18 14:31 .
> drwxr-xr-x. 4 root  root  4096 Aug 26 16:57 ..

the ".." entry in the directory listing refers to the parent directory of the 
directory that is listed. And in the case of your home dir ".." refers to the 
/home or whereever the home directories are stored on your installation which 
is owned by root.



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