Hi Pat Riehecky!

 On 2011.09.14 at 15:02:53 -0500, Pat Riehecky wrote next:

> Anyway, the mirrors should pick everything up on their next sync,
> provided what we've got posted now is actually accurate.
> Can I have you give
> ftp://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/6x/archive/debuginfo/
> a quick look over for the debuginfo packages you want.  If they are
> posted there, everyone who mirrors SL 6 should pick them up at their
> next update.  If not, then they are hiding out in a directory I
> haven't found yet and should get posted.

Mirrors did pick all the new debuginfo rpms, but it's still ignored;
looks like repodata wasn't updated and doesn't list any of new



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