On 10/12/2011 07:53 PM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:
Hi carlopmart!

  On 2011.10.12 at 18:42:30 +0200, carlopmart wrote next:

  Is it possible under SL6.1 to run a script (or insert commands in
ifcfg-ethX files) when a nic is up, immediatly after network script
runs?? Like for example it can do with debian/ubuntu: post-up

/sbin/ifup-pre-local and /sbin/ifdown-pre-local are executed (if exist)
before bringing interface up&  down

/sbin/ifup-local and /sbin/ifup-local are executed (if exist) after
bringing interface up&  down and setting up routes.

Argument to each will be interface name. Note that if you have aliases,
this script will be called for each alias.

Many thanks Vladimir.

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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