On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 18:02 +0200, Stephan Wiesand wrote:
> On Oct 20, 2011, at 17:47 , Yasha Karant wrote:
> [more stuff with no bearing on SL whatsoever]
> Could this person please be banned from the list.
> Thanks,
>       Stephan

(Apologies for the noise, but as a mail list admin, I know that figuring
out how to do certain things can sometimes be difficult. :-)

Moderating individual list members should be straightforward.

LISTSERV - Instructions for List Owners:


which links at the bottom to:

 L-Soft international, Inc. - List Owner's Manual


and specifically to 5.3.13. REVIEW/NOREVIEW:


When a subscriber is set to REVIEW, all postings from that subscriber
are forwarded to the list editor or list owner for approval. Approval
for these postings is always via the OK mechanism -- there is no need to
forward the posting to the list, simply reply to the approval
confirmation with "OK".

Note that if a list is unmoderated, it is still possible to direct
REVIEW postings to a specific person by adding an "Editor=" or
"Moderator=" keyword to the list header.

The list owner or LISTSERV maintainer may issue the

SET listname NOREVIEW FOR userid@host
command to reverse a previously-set REVIEW.

Setting REVIEW for a user cancels any previous NOPOST or EDITOR setting
for that user.



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