On 20 October 2011 21:58, Yasha Karant <ykar...@csusb.edu> wrote:
> Although


I will be brutally frank and straightforward. Please stop posting
links and verbatim quotations from items previously posted elsewhere.
I have already read them -- and, I suspect, so have many other of this
list's subscribers -- in the original location, when initially

 Do you regards all other subscribers to this mailing-list as
imbeciles? We do not require some pontificating professor to instruct
us as to how we are to act. react, think or otherwise behave.

You have been asked before. Now I shall tell you -- Go and read the
archives for this mailing list and stop trying to manipulate its usage
for your own personal glorification. If you do not wish to fit in with
the established social norm then please depart.

An interesting link --


One of the more amusing quotations from the above:

avoid at all costs and whatever you do don't mention
microsoft or bill gates. Just rambles on and on and on...
seriously avoid him if you can


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