Hi Klaus Steinberger!

 On 2011.11.03 at 13:53:50 +0100, Klaus Steinberger wrote next:

> we run into same trouble and got some hints from TUV (we have some RHEL 
> systems
> with support). There is a ticket open in TUV's supports about the issue.
> Try the following clock settings for your Windows VM's:
>   <clock offset='localtime'>
>     <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
>   </clock>

This is very interesting! Thanks for the tip.

Do you (or anyone else, maybe) know any solution to time jump when
saving/restoring guest? I'm talking about most basic SL6.1 guest on
SL6.1 KVM host situation. Either by manual operation or during reboot,
when guest is restored, it has "old time" - from the moment it was
saved. Such sudden jump usually kills ntp in guest which doesn't like
time jumps, and without ntp time stays badly shifted and causes various



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