On 11/21/2011 10:55 AM, Gerhard Schneider wrote:

> For some months we discover a slowdown of selected machines ever 80-90
> machines. There is high CPU load and the machine is getting less

Correction of 2 typos: every 80-90 minutes.

I hope it's becoming clearer now..


Gerhard Schneider                            e-Mail:g...@ilsb.tuwien.ac.at
Institute of Lightweight Design and          Tel.:   +43 1 58801 31716
Structural Biomechanics (E317)               Fax.:   +43 1 58801 31799
Vienna University of Technology / Austria    DVR: 0005886
A-1040 Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29         http://www.ilsb.tuwien.ac.at/

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