Hi Pat Riehecky!

 On 2012.01.12 at 13:34:32 -0600, Pat Riehecky wrote next:

> The IPA packages recently released are the ones which came out as
> security updates along with TUV's 6.2 release.  The current 6.2 BETA
> has those packages integrated.  So, to answer your question, SL 6.2
> will ship by default with these IPA packages available and not any
> earlier versions.  Thus, in 6.2 you will not be able to have
> bind-dyndb-ldap and ipa-server installed due to their conflict.
> I've no idea why they conflict as I'm unfamiliar with the specifics
> of the technology, but I trust upstream to get this right.

That's not it, actually. Look at requirements:

> >-->  Processing Conflict: ipa-server-2.1.3-9.el6.i686 conflicts
> >bind-dyndb-ldap<  0.2.0-3

IPA server manages bind & LDAP and due to some internal requirements
needs fresher version of bind-dyndb-ldap that's in 6.1. Since it's
essentially 6.2 IPA package, it requires bind-dyndb-ldap from 6.2
(0.2.0-7) to work properly; so, this conflict will disappear with update
to 6.2.

(actually, bind-dyndb-ldap is quite suggested for free-ipa, so right now
having that conflict in 6.1 due to free-ipa update might be pretty bad.
Maybe bind-dyndb-ldap should've been rebuilt for 6.1 too to fix it?)



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