Hi Steve-

I have been unable to find external or internal documentation about glibc
compatibility for lx24.

I have since upgraded to SGE 6.2u7 and the glibc installed (SL 6.1) is as

Name        : glibc
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.12
Release     : 1.47.el6
Size        : 12 M
Repo        : installed
>From repo   : sl-securit

Name        : glib
Arch        : x86_64
Epoch       : 1
Version     : 1.2.10
Release     : 33.el6
Size        : 354 k
Repo        : installed
>From repo   : base

Would you happen to have any suggestions on where I can look to rule out
glibc-based problems?

Thanks much,

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Steven Timm <t...@fnal.gov> wrote:

> This smells like there could be problems with glibc version.. the
> lx24 is presuming either a kernel version or a glibc version or both.
> Do you have the appropriate compatibility glibc libraries installed?
> Steve Timm
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2012, Wil Irwin wrote:
>  Hi-
>> It is 64-bit on 64-bit. The exact version is from
>> 'ge-6.2-bin-lx24-amd64.tar.gz' and 'ge-6.2-common.tar.gz'. So I can rule
>> out that issue.
>> As for the problems, I can provide more detail, but in brief (sort of):
>> 1. The installation is w/o incident and I have used all the suggested
>> defaults. Out of frustration, I've also installed in a couple of dozen
>> time
>> changing some of the more flexible defaults one at a time.
>> 2. The "simple" job runs as it should.
>> 3. There are 3 nodes (with the master also serving as an executor). All
>> are
>> talking to each other in term of the SGE ports and NFS.
>> 4. My inquire was intended to be general in terms of some possible
>> incompatibility between SGE and SL 6.1, the comment which follow have,
>> unfortunately, the factor of submitting jobs using an analysis
>> application.
>> The script which this application uses is a bit convoluted, but I studied
>> pretty well and, if there is some problem, I don't see it. I have not
>> received any negative feedback from other users of this application.
>> Unfortunately, it really isn't possible to submit the job from this
>> application w/o using the accompanying script. So, of course, there is a
>> bit of black-box factor.
>> 5. One particular job is very large (~20K commands). After the commands
>> are
>> generated and submitted, SGE returns the rather confusing error message of
>> "Unable to run job: job rejected: You try to submit a job with more than
>> 75000 tasks. Exiting." 75000 is the configured limit, but I can readily
>> see
>> the command lines being generated and it is exactly 16900. I would say in
>> general, this is the most perplexing problem.
>> 6. #5 is accompanied by "failure" email messages, but no 16900 messages (I
>> would say many hundred). I can't explain this behavior either. It could
>> actually be an email server issue and not related to SGE, per se.
>> 7. Another example is or will appear to be very specific to the analysis
>> application I am using as opposed to a general SGE issue. For this
>> application, there is an explicit user variable to set the queue, and I
>> have set it to 'verylong.q'. When I submit a much smaller job (~200
>> commands) to try to figure out what is going wrong, the 'verylong.q' is
>> ignored and 'short.q' is selected. But more curious and more SGE-related
>> is
>> the job will run, but it runs the commands in series and only uses 1
>> processor on the master node (each node has 6 x 2 cores).
>> That's a flavor of what is causing my sanity to slowly drift away.
>> Regards,
>> Wil
>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Keith Chadwick <chadw...@fnal.gov>
>> wrote:
>>  Are you trying to run either:
>>>       1. A 32 bit version of SGE 6.2 on a 64 bit SL 6.1 system?
>>> or
>>>       2. A 64 bit version of SGE 6.2 on a 32 bit SL 6.1 system?
>>> In the case #1, you should be able to get SGE to run once you install
>>> the necessary 32 bit compatibility libraries, or (recommended) switch
>>> to a 64 bit version of SGE 6.2.
>>> In the case #2, you are going to be out of luck...
>>> -Keith.
>>> At 12:43 PM -0800 1/11/12, Wil Irwin wrote:
>>>  Hello-
>>>> I am having unparalleled (no pun intended) problems getting SGE 6.2 to
>>>> run under SL 6.1. I have consulted with others who have quite a bit of
>>>> experience using SGE on an earlier version of SL, and we cannot
>>>> determine
>>>> why it won't run.
>>>> Before I list the nature of the problems, I though I would start by
>>>> asking if anyone has had a successful experience with SGE 6.2 on SL 6.1.
>>>> I'm running kernel:  2.6.32-220.2.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 22
>>>> 11:15:52
>>>> CST 2011 x86_64
>>>> Thanks for any help.
>>>> -Wil
> --
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**------
> Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
> t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
> Fermilab Computing Division, Scientific Computing Facilities,
> Grid Facilities Department, FermiGrid Services Group, Group Leader.
> Lead of FermiCloud project.

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