Well shut me up!

I googled: "enablelinuxhwvideodecode=1" "OverrideGPUValidation"

And it seems that yes, particularly back in 2008 with 10.2 flash (mentioned in 
release notes <http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/890/cpsid_89050.html>, there was some 
experimental hardware decoding assistance on Linux:

"H.264 Hardware decoding on Linux is available as an experimental feature and has 
been tested on NVidia GT 330 and Broadcom BCM70015 GPUs. Users may choose to enable 
hardware decoding by adding EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1 in an mms.cfg configuration file. 
Users may experiance instability and crashes while watching hardware accelerated video. 
Please report any issues to http://bugs.adobe.com/flashplayer.";

Maybe the new "Stage 3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering" feature of Flash 11 
will help down the road, but I can't find much information about it for Linux and 
decoding H.264 video.


On 01/24/2012 02:14 PM, Andrew Z wrote:

i tell you what i had, and maybe, you can correct me since it was a year or so 
ago and my memory is fading on the details.
  i had AMD Sempron + GT240 on SL 5.x i386. obviously when i watch videos ( on you tube) cpu was 
around 70-80%. I added vdpau library and ( this i remember precisely) added mms.cfg. After that if 
i were to click on youtube videos it would give in "video info" smth like "hardware 
decoding/acceleration  blah blah". Now when i click here (http://youtu.be/XSGBVzeBUbk) i get:
854x480, 1003 average kbps, 100% volume
HTTP, 877 kbps
10 stage fps, 24 video fps, 1 dropped, 0 kbps
software video rendering, null video decoding
NaN db, 1 audio factor
and this is with adobe flash plugin 10x. I also have mms:
more /etc/adobe/mms.cfg

now. the above statement implies  a few things. Such as :
a . all youtube videos are in flash
b. i used the flash player to watch them.

i did have mplayer compiled with vdpau and that worked for "stand alone" video 
with 20% CPU util....

Do i make any sense?

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Chris Schanzle <schan...@nist.gov 
<mailto:schan...@nist.gov>> wrote:

    [off list]

    Note you can use something other than Adobe's flash plugin to play flash 
videos with hardware acceleration, such as mplayer with VDPAU.

    To the best of my knowledge and experience, I have never seen Adobe's flash 
plugin use GPU hardware acceleration on Linux.  I've kept my interest in this 
since I have an Intel ION-based system running Fedora that could really benefit 
from it.  If you know otherwise, please give specific references.  Thanks!


    On 01/24/2012 11:56 AM, Andrew Z wrote:

        hmmm. before i upgraded to SL6 64 i ran CentOS 5 (i386) and i do 
remember i had HW decoding working in flash videos. from my google-aound :) it 
appears that to get decoding working i need touse 32 bit vdpau, ff and flash of 
version 10x.
        I just hoped that there are better news.

        On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Chris Schanzle <schan...@nist.gov 
<mailto:schan...@nist.gov> <mailto:schan...@nist.gov <mailto:schan...@nist.gov>>> 

            On 01/24/2012 08:43 AM, Andrew Z wrote:

                  from what i could find it seemed to -not_ been working on 64 
machines for flash 10 and 11. Is this still holds true or i'm behind?
                thank you

            Your question is a bit ambiguous as it seems to imply that hardware 
acceleration works on 32-bit linux systems.  It doesn't.

            A quick trip through google helped me find this thread that as of last October, 
hardware acceleration is not supported on Linux per what appears to be an Adobe flash developer: 
http://forums.adobe.com/____thread/911321 <http://forums.adobe.com/__thread/911321> 
<http://forums.adobe.com/__thread/911321 <http://forums.adobe.com/thread/911321>>

            However non hardware-accelerated general flash support is working 
fine on 64-bit systems since the release of flash player 11.  I.e., users can 
watch youtube videos.

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